Mike is a proud dad who likes to spends his time reading, drawing, watching anime, and playing video games with his kids. Though, his favorite time of the day is bedtime because everyone else is asleep and he can have some quiet time to meditate.
Mike’s passionate about self-love and community. His role model is Malcolm X because he gave his life fighting for his community and was not too proud to admit when he was wrong (the two also share a birthday). His favorite quote is X’s, “When I is replaced with we even illness becomes wellness.”
If Mike could have a superpower he would choose super speed. With super speed, any action in his area of influence can be stopped or altered, and villains would not be able to escape his justice. Although, in our eyes, he already has super speed. He’s always there to help us with our IT issues as soon as we report them. He keeps us running when we need it most!