The Drawing Board: Architecture’s Top Trends for 2024

May 1, 2024

What are some of the materials, designs and innovations expected to influence building design this year and beyond?

Building Health

Building Health is paying more attention to the health of buildings is in. “An example of the criteria would be the Well Building Standard. The healthy buildings movement is a global initiative that emphasizes creating indoor environments that promote the health, well-being, and productivity of occupants. It recognizes the significant impact of buildings on human health and aims to integrate design, construction, and operational strategies that enhance indoor air quality, lighting, thermal comfort, acoustics, and overall occupant experience,” said Cromwell Architects Engineers. “This movement seeks to address various factors, including ventilation systems, use of sustainable materials and access to natural light, to create spaces that support physical and mental health. Organizations, architects and builders participate in the healthy buildings movement to advance the construction of structures that contribute positively to the overall health of their occupants.”

Read the full article at Arkansas Business, The Drawing Board: Architecture’s Top Trends for 2024

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